SINCE 1989

In 2021, CDT completed its 32nd year of research on computer based training for speech and hearing disorders.

Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


PUBLICATIONS: Research Articles and Reports

2016 Smits, Cas, Watson, C.S., Kidd, G.R., Moore, D.R., Goverts, S. Theo. (2016) A comparison between the Dutch and American-English digits-in-noise (DIN) tests in normal-hearing listeners. International Journal of Audiology, 55, 358-365.
2015 Watson, C.S., Kidd, G.R., Miller, J.D., Preminger, J.L., Crowley, A., Maki, D. (2015) Development, Validation and Current Status of the National Hearing Test. Presented at the meeting of the American Academy of Audiology, San Antonio, TX.
2014 Watson, C.S., Kidd, G.R., Miller, J.D., Preminger, J.L., Crowley, A., Maki, D. (2014) The US National Hearing Test, A 2013-14 Progress Report. Presented at the 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN.
2014 Williams-Sanchez, V., McArdle, R.A., Wilson, R.H., Kidd, G.R., Watson, C.S., Bourne, A.L. (2014) Validation of a Screening Test of Auditory Function Using the Telephone. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 18, 151-183.
2013 Watson, C.S., and Miller, J.D. (2013). Computer-based perceptual training as a major component of adult instruction in a foreign language. In B. Zou, M. Xing, Y. Wang, M. Sun, and C.H. Xiang (Eds.),Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Teaching and Learning: Technological Advances, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, 232-244.
2012 Watson, C.S., Kidd, G.R., Miller, J.D., Smits, C., Hume, L.E. (2012) Telephone screening tests for functionally impaired hearing: Current use in seven countries and development of a U.S. version. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 23, 757-767.
2011 Meyer, C., Hickson, L., Khan, A., Hartley, D., Dillon, H., Seymour, J. (2011). Investigation of the actions taken by adults who failed a telephone-based hearing screen. Ear and Hearing, 32, 720�731.
2008 Watson, C.S., Miller, J.D., Kewley-Port, D., Humes, L.E., and Wightman, F.L. (2008) Training Listeners to Identify the Sounds of Speech: I.  A Review of Past Studies. The Hearing Journal, 61(9), 26-31. 
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2008 Miller, J.D., Watson, C.S., Kistler, D.J, Preminger, J.E., and Wark, D. J. (2008) Training Listeners to Identify the Sounds of Speech: II. Using SPATS Software. The Hearing Journal, 61(10), 29-33. 
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2008 Miller, J.D., Watson, C.S., Kewley-Port, D., Sillings, R., Mills, W.B., and Burleson, D. F. (2008) SPATS: Speech Perception Assessment and Training System. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 2, 050005, 17 pp.
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2008 Miller, J.D., Watson, C.S., Kistler, D. J., Wightman, F.L., and Preminger, J.L. ( 2008) Preliminary Evaluation of the Speech Perception Assessment and Training System (SPATS) with Hearing-Aid and Cochlear-Implant Users. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 2, 050004, 9 pp.
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2007 Kidd, G.R., Watson, C.S., & Gygi, B. (2007).  Individual differences in auditory abilities. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 418-435.
2006 Smits, C., and Houtgast, T. (2006) Results from the Dutch speech-in-noise screening test by telephone. Ear and Hearing, 26, 89-95.
2005 Rogers, C.L., and Dalby, J. (2005). Forced-choice analysis of segmental production by Chinese-accented English speakers. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 48, 306-322.
2004 Smits, C., Kapteyn, T.S., Houtgast, T. (2004) Development and validation of an automatic speech-in-noise screening test by telephone. International Journal of Audiology, 43, 1-15.
1999 Dalby, J. and Kewley-Port, D. (1999). Explicit pronunciation training using automatic speech recognition. In M. Holland,(Ed.), Tutors that Listen: Speech Recognition for Language Training, Special Issue of the Journal of the Computer Assisted Language Learning Consortium (CALICO), Vol. 16, No. 5, 425-445.
1998 Dalby, J., Kewley-Port, D., and Sillings, R. (1998). Language- specific pronunciation training using automatic speech recognition technology. Proceedings of the European Speech Communication Association Conference on Speech Technology in Language Learning, 25-28.
1997 Watson, C.S., and Kidd, G.R. (1997) "The perception of complex waveforms," in M.J. Crocker (Ed.) Handbook of Acoustics, Wiley, New York, 1521-1543.
1997 Tajima, K., Port, R. and Dalby, J. (1997). Effects of speech timing on intelligibility of foreign accented English. Journal of Phonetics,Vol. 25, 1-24.
1995 Anderson, S. and Kewley-Port, D. (1995). Evaluation of speech recognizers for speech training applications. IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing,Vol. 3, No. 4, 229-241.
1994 Kewley-Port, D. and Watson, C.S. (1994). Computer Assisted Speech Training: Practical Considerations. In A. Syrdal, R. Bennett, and S. Greenspan, (Eds.), Applied Speech Technology, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 565-582.
1994 Kewley-Port, D. (1994). Speech Recognition. In A. Syrdal, R. Bennett, and S. Greenspan, (Eds.), Applied Speech Technology, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 343-358.
1994 Kewley-Port, D. (1994). Speech Technology and Speech Training for the Hearing Impaired. The Journal of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, (Monograph), XXVII, 251-265.
1991 Kewley-Port, D., Watson, C.S., Elbert, M., Maki, D., and Reed, D. (1991). The Indiana Speech Training Aid (ISTRA) II: Training curriculum and selected case studies, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 5, 13-38.
1990 Kewley-Port, D. (1990). Cross-disciplinary advances in speech science. ASHA Reports #20: Proceedings of The Future of Science and Services Seminar, 69-85.
1989 Watson, C.S., Reed, D., Kewley-Port, D., and Maki, D. (1989). The Indiana Speech Training Aid (ISTRA) I: Comparisons between human and computer-based evaluation of speech quality. J. of Spch. Hearing Res., 32, 245-251.
1989 Watson, C.S. and Kewley-Port, D. (1989). Computer-based speech training (CBST): Current status and prospects for the future, in 1989 Monograph on Sensory Aids for Hearing-Impaired Persons, N. McGarr (Ed.), Volta Review, 91, 29-46.
1987 Kewley-Port, D., Watson, C.S., Maki, D., and Reed, D. (1987). Speaker-Dependent Speech Recognition as the Basis for a Speech Training Aid. Proc. 1987 IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics., Speech, and Signal Processing, Dallas, Texas, p. 372-375.
1987 Kewley-Port, D., Watson, C.S., and Cromer, P.A. (1987). The Indiana Speech Training Aid (ISTRA): A microcomputer-based aid using speaker-dependent speech recognition. Synergy '87, The 1987 ASHF Computer Conference, Proceedings, 94-99.

Related Publications:

1981 Osberger, M.J., Lippmann, R., Moeller, M., and Kroese, J. (1981). Computer-assisted instruction for the hearing impaired. J. Aca. Rehab. Audiol., 17, 145-158.
1981 Watson, C.S., and Kelly, W.J. (1981) The role of stimulus uncertainty in the discrimination of auditory patterns. In D.J. Getty and J.H. Howard (Eds.) Auditory and Visual Pattern Recognition, Erlbaum Associates
1979 Lippmann, R. P., and Watson, C. S. (1979). New computer-based speech training aid for the deaf. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 86, S78.


2007 Burleson, D. (2007). Training segmental productions for second language intelligibility. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University.
2000 Mathews, J. (2000). An Evaluation of Expressive Language Skills of Adults with Down Syndrome Across Three Testing Procedures. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Indiana University.
1996 Swango, D. (1996). Indiana Speech Training Aid (ISTRA): Examining the potential utility of ISTRA for the developmentally disabled population. Unpublished undergraduate honor's thesis, Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Indiana University.
1988 Tew, J. (1988). An analysis of the ISTRA system as a potential tool for teaching /r/ - /l/ distinction to Japanese speakers. Unpublished undergraduate honors thesis, Indiana University.


2005 Miller, J.D., Dalby, J.M., Watson, C.S., and Burleson, D.F. (2005). Training experienced hearing aid users to identify syllable-initial consonants in quiet and in noise. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 115, p. 2387.
2005 Dalby, J., Burleson, D.F., and Rogers, C.I. (2005). Expediting second-language phonological learning using a computer-based training system. Paper presented to the First Acoustical Society of America Workshop on Second Language Speech Learning, held in conjunction with the 150th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Vancouver, May 2005.
2002 Kewley-Port, D., Dalby, J., and Burleson, D. (2002). Speech intelligibility training using automatic speech recognition technology. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 112, p. 2303.
2001 Davis, C., Kewley-Port, D., and Coughlin, M. (2001). Discrimination and identification of vowels in hearing-impaired and masked vowel-hearing listeners. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 109, p. 2501.
2001 Rogers, C., Dalby, J.M., and Nishi, K. (2001). Effects of noise and proficiency level on intelligibility of Chinese-accented English. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 109, p. 2473.
1996 Tajima, K., Dalby, J. and Port, R. (1996). Foreign-accented rhythm and prosody in reiterant speech. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 99, No. 4, Pt. 2, p. 2493.
1996 Rogers, C. and Dalby, J. (1996). Prediction of foreign-accented speech intelligibility from segmental contrast measures. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 100, No. 4, Pt. 2, p. 2725.
1995 Rogers, C. and Dalby, J. (1995). Intelligibility assessment of Chinese-accented English. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 98, No. 5, Pt. 2, 2893.
1994 Rogers, C., Dalby, J., and DeVane, G. (1994). Intelligibility training for foreign-accented speech: A preliminary study. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 96, Pt. 2, 3348.
1994 Tajima, K., Port, R. and Dalby, J. (1994). Influence of timing on intelligibility of foreign-accented English. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 95, Pt.2, 3009.
1993 Kewley-Port, D., Mills, B., and Dalby, J. (1993) Speaker-Independent Recognition of Children's Words with Minimal Phonemic Contrast. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1, 94 ,S1888 , presented at the 126th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Denver, CO.
1991 Kewley-Port, D., Watson, C.S., and Maki, D. (1991) Evaluation of Speech Recognizers for Speech Training Applications. ASHA, 33, 161. Presented at the 1991 Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
1990 Kewley-Port, D., Watson, C.S., and Maki, D. (1990) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Funding: A case study in bringing a computer-based speech training aid into the marketplace. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1, 88, S196, presented at the 120th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, CA.
1989 Kewley-Port, D. and Watson, C.S. (1989) Computer assisted speech training for the deaf. ASHA, 31, 55. Invited presentation in miniseminar "Speech of Persons Who are Hearing Impaired: Historical and Current Perspectives," at the 1989 Annual Convention of The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, St. Louis, Missouri.
1988 Watson, C.S. and Kewley-Port, D. (1988) Computer-Based Speech Training Aids. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1, 84, S39, invited presentation for the 2nd joint meeting of The Acoustical Societies of America and Japan, Honolulu, Hawaii.
1988 Kewley-Port, D., Watson, C.S., Elbert, M. (1988) The Indiana Speech Training Aid (ISTRA). J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1, 84, S42, invited presentation for the 2nd joint meeting of The Acoustical Societies of America and Japan, Honolulu, Hawaii.
1988 Kewley-Port, D., Watson C.S., Elbert, M., and Cromer, P. (1988) Indiana Speech Training Aid (ISTRA). ASHA 30, 207, Scientific Exhibit invited presentation at the 1988 Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.
1987 Watson, C.S., Kewley-Port, D., Maki, D., and Reed, D. (1987) Evaluation of a Speaker-Dependent Recognition Metric as a Substitute for Human Judgements of Speech Quality. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1, 81, S95. Presented at the 113th meeting of The Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN.
1987 Kewley-Port, D., Watson, C.S, Elbert, M., and DeVane, G. The Indiana Speech Training Aid (ISTRA): First Year Report. (1987) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Suppl. 1, 81, S95, presented at the 113th meeting of The Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN.
1987 Bernstein, L.E., Goldstein, M.H., Kewley-Port, D., Mahshie, J.M, Maki, D., and Watson, C.S. (1987) Computer-based Speech Training Aids for the Deaf. ASHA 29, 152. Presented at the 1987 Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.


This research was supported in part by Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants DC00893 and DC02213 to CDT, Inc., from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders, HD35425 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and by contract DASW01-96-C-0044 from the Department of Defense - U.S. Army Research Institute. Other funding came from The Indiana Business Modernization and Technology Corporation and The Indiana Governor's Planning Council for People with Disabilities.

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