In 2009, CDT will complete it's 20th year of research on computer based training for speech and hearing disorders.

Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


New!!!  SPATS Speech Recognition Training Systems!

  • SPATS-HI: Speech recognition training for hearing-impaired persons.
  • SPATS-ESL: Speech recognition training for those learning English as a second language

Both systems have been shown to improve the ability to understand conversational English spoken at normal rates.

CDT employs research scientists and technicians from the fields of cognitive science, computer science, engineering, experimental psychology, instructional systems design, linguistics, mathematics, and speech and hearing sciences.

Website created and maintained by Gary Kidd
Communication Disorders Technology, Inc.
501 North Morton Street, Ste 215
Bloomington, IN 47404
Phone Number:  1-812-336-1766